Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Who is your daddy and what does he do?

Listen, we love expensive polish as much as the rest of you, but we are also Very Poor Public Servants. You see, Very Poor Public Servants still have terrible nail polish impulse-shopping habits, but often relegate such binges to the cheap shit at the drugstore--you know, the kind that's often on an endcap because it's not worthy of being next to the more respectable brands. Or something. Anyway, we're here for you--the huddled, unpolished masses, the thrifty, the lazy (because let's face it, CVS is usually way closer than Ulta). We'll sporadically review the cheapo drugstore polishes (the 2 dolla polish, if you will) and let you know if you should buy it, shoplift it*, or save your money for one of those nasty-ass combo boxes at Taco Bell.

*Those of us at 2 Dolla Polish neither condone nor engage in illegal behaviors. We're using this as a rating system, ladies, not a model for behavior.